Winning Ticket Left At Bottom Of Handbag For A Week

A lucky lady from England has won a massive £21 million jackpot after finding the winning ticket at the bottom of her handbag a week after she’d bought it.

Donna Stickley and her husband David have become the UK National Lotto’s 5,000th millionaires after scooping the latest jackpot. Want to be the 5,001st? Make sure to join our UK Lotto syndicate!

“I Don’t Do Change”

Surprisingly the couple have insisted that they will keep their jobs, with Mrs Stickley saying “We're absolutely going to keep working, I don't do change. We want normality.'

“We played the numbers every week, and we've been very lucky. Someone has to win it.' Mr Stickley added, proving that persistence can certainly pay off.

Donna knew something was up when, suspecting a win, she took the ticket to the shop only to be told to contact Camelot directly as they were unable to pay out wins bigger than £500.

When asked what they’d do with the money, the couple had some rather modest plans. Mrs Stickley wants a new handbag, and says she will frame the old one that had kept the winning ticket safe for so long.

Mr Stickley has his eye on a new car and plans to use some of the money to complete renovations on their house. He said he would even throw in £10 for some new pots and pans!

It sounds like these two have their feet firmly on the ground, and we wish them all the best for their bright, new future. Don’t forget to join our UK Lotto syndicate if you want to be next.

Next Big Jackpots
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A 39.6% reduction will be applied to Tier 1-3, as per our Terms and Conditions. In addition, Tier 1 winning bets are paid out over a period of up to 30 years (annuity) or discounted lump sum at's discretion
A 12% reduction will be applied to Tier 1-3, as per our Terms and Conditions
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